PixelProse SARL التطبيقات

Compass 5.0.6
PixelProse SARL
A magnetic compass with magnetic declination correction for bestaccuracy. A compass is an instrument used for navigation andorientation that shows direction relative to the geographic North.Geographic North is computed given the magnetic North and themagnetic declination at your current location. In some placesaround the world, the magnetic North can be as far as 20 degreesfrom the geographic North. ● Use of GPS or Network location forbest accuracy ● Magnetic declination correction ● True altitudeabove sea level ● Altimeter ● Elevation computation use EGM-96model ● Supports multiple coordinate formats UTM, DD, DMM, or DMS ●Show Latitude and Longitude ● Sunrise and Sunset times ● Easycalibration ● Show angle in degrees ● Clean design ● Install on SD● Save places for tracking them ● Create multiple lists offavourite places ● Show shorted path to a place ● Search new placesby name or address ● Qibla Compass (find direction of the Kaaba inMecca) Place tracking allow you to save your current location forlater find its direction from anywhere else in the world! Noteregarding horizontal accuracy: The device location has anhorizontal accuracy that depends on the quality of the GPS signal.The smaller the horizontal accuracy is, the better the location isaccurate. In some cases, the horizontal accuracy can be so big thatother information can be inaccurate : altitude, distance anddirection to a place that is very close to you. Refreshing thelocation after a few second can give you a better horizontalaccuracy. Note regarding device calibration : Smartphones usemagnetic and orientation sensor in order to compute the directionof the magnetic North. Sensor might be in an unknown state when theapplication is started. Sensors requires a lot of values to reachoptimal accuracy and precision. To do so, move your phone in spacein a ∞ figure pattern until the accuracy turns to high. Thisapplication requires permissions in order to compute your locationand the magnetic declination for a better accuracy of this compassand to provide you with further information such as true north,true altitude above sea level, direction and distance to any placein the world.
Just a Compass (Free & No Ads) 3.0.5
PixelProse SARL
A simple and easy to use Compass to retrieve useful informationabout your current position. • Free and without Ads • Magnetic& geographic north using magnetic declination • Sunrise &Sunset time • Various skins and color themes (including highcontrast) • True altitude above sea level at your current position• Use EGM96 as the geoid reference for computing altitude •Latitude & Longitude in MGRS format • Latitude & Longitudein UTM format • Latitude & Longitude in DD, DMM or DMS format •Magnetic field strength • Sensor accuracy • Address of your currentlocation Compass better works outside where magnetic perturbationsare low. Magnetic closure cell phone cases may also disrupt theaccuracy of the compass. EGM96 (Earth Gravitational Model) is usedas the geoid reference to compute true altitude above sea levelfrom data collected by the GPS sensor. UTM (Universal TransverseMercator) is a system for assigning coordinates to locations on thesurface of the Earth. Have fun !
Bubble level 10.4.3
PixelProse SARL
Hold any of the phone's 4 sides against an object to test it forlevel or plumb.
Compass 6.0.2
PixelProse SARL
Use your phone anywhere, any when, to check for true North, South,East or West.
Compass & Altimeter 3.6.3
PixelProse SARL
A Compass, with geographic north, true altitude, address, sunset& sunrise times
Altimeter 4.1.4
PixelProse SARL
The most precise Altimeter for offline true altitude above sealevel (MSL).
The Sun Ephemeris (Sunset, Sun 2.9.9
PixelProse SARL
Sun & Moon position for any location on earth : sunset,sunrise, moon phase,…
Bubble Level Pro
PixelProse SARL
Hold any of the phone's 4 sides against an object to test it forlevel or plumb.
PixelProse SARL
Famous dice game to try with the family. More fun with 6 differentrules.
Depth of Field (Hyperfocal) 1.1.2
PixelProse SARL
Hyperfocal distance and limit of acceptable sharpness calculatorfor camera lens
Easy Advertising ID 1.1.0
PixelProse SARL
Read and copy your Android advertising ID to opt-out from appssharing your data